Sunday, May 17, 2020

Also, Yumiko Has A Heightened Sense Of The World Around

Also, Yumiko has a heightened sense of the world around her. As an illustration, she notices and describes with incredible efficiency how the people behave and what the world looks like to her. Even the tiniest of details are important to her, as a way to explain how she coped with the world falling apart. Another possible explanation to Yumiko’s heightened sense of awareness is her inability to control what happened to her during the earthquake. By noticing every minute detail about the world around her in the future, she may be able to notice the beginnings of an earthquake in order to hide or protect herself. The descriptive nature ties back into her control of the world and providing her with a thorough description of her world so that†¦show more content†¦For Cierra, her belief in Christianity is an important part of her ability to comprehend and deal with her experience during Hurricane Katrina. In The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa, Yumiko never mentions religion. Cou ld this be a contributing factor to her inability to deal with the earthquake? The absence of her parents and religion cause an important divide between the narrative of Yumiko and the other narratives form young survivors of Hurricane Katrina. Additionally, Kawabata presents, in his novel, a fictitious account of a real event. Even though Yumiko is not a real person her story is an important part of understanding how people deal with a natural disaster. If anything, Kawabata provides an intricate description of a story many would be unwilling to share with the rest of the world as an extremely personal example. One of the clearest aspects of Kawabata’s description of Asakusa is how he portrays the culture of the city. Throughout the novel, the Twelve Story Tower is a focal point of Asakusa. Not only does it hold prominence in both Yumiko’s and Akagi’s recollections of the earthquake, but the Twelve Story Tower continues to appear for the duration of the novel. As the novel occurs seven years after the earthquake, the reader is not aware of whether the Twelve Story Tower played such an intricate part of the lives of the

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