Sunday, May 17, 2020

Also, Yumiko Has A Heightened Sense Of The World Around

Also, Yumiko has a heightened sense of the world around her. As an illustration, she notices and describes with incredible efficiency how the people behave and what the world looks like to her. Even the tiniest of details are important to her, as a way to explain how she coped with the world falling apart. Another possible explanation to Yumiko’s heightened sense of awareness is her inability to control what happened to her during the earthquake. By noticing every minute detail about the world around her in the future, she may be able to notice the beginnings of an earthquake in order to hide or protect herself. The descriptive nature ties back into her control of the world and providing her with a thorough description of her world so that†¦show more content†¦For Cierra, her belief in Christianity is an important part of her ability to comprehend and deal with her experience during Hurricane Katrina. In The Scarlet Gang of Asakusa, Yumiko never mentions religion. Cou ld this be a contributing factor to her inability to deal with the earthquake? The absence of her parents and religion cause an important divide between the narrative of Yumiko and the other narratives form young survivors of Hurricane Katrina. Additionally, Kawabata presents, in his novel, a fictitious account of a real event. Even though Yumiko is not a real person her story is an important part of understanding how people deal with a natural disaster. If anything, Kawabata provides an intricate description of a story many would be unwilling to share with the rest of the world as an extremely personal example. One of the clearest aspects of Kawabata’s description of Asakusa is how he portrays the culture of the city. Throughout the novel, the Twelve Story Tower is a focal point of Asakusa. Not only does it hold prominence in both Yumiko’s and Akagi’s recollections of the earthquake, but the Twelve Story Tower continues to appear for the duration of the novel. As the novel occurs seven years after the earthquake, the reader is not aware of whether the Twelve Story Tower played such an intricate part of the lives of the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

French Revolution Was Successful Or Not - 951 Words

Revolutionary France Prior to 1789, France’s governing forces were undergoing hardships that were creating a strain on the entire country. Politically, economically, and socially, France was losing their peoples trust with ineffective governing choices made by Louis XVI. As a young ruler, Louis XVI lacked a sense of maturity and decision-making skills that would lead France and its people to suffer (Hunt). Like most revolutions, there are goals and hopes to be accomplished. While many historians argue whether the French Revolution was successful or not, eventually the people of France received what they believed they earned. Beginning in the sixteenth century, France, the reign of the autocratic monarchy emerged. Two centuries later under Louis XVI, absolute monarchy was still prevalent in France. Under Louis’s leadership, many people were denied basic human rights which led to the unfollowing of the King. Without the support from the public, the king passed laws and legislation that harshly affected his people (Hunt 54). By lending support to the American Revolution and being in war with Spain, Holland, Austria, and Prussia France’s finances were severely hurt and directly affected the people of France. As an attempt to fix their bankrupt economy, Louis XVI decided to enforce the reform of the tax system which outlawed the corvà ©e, an ideal that forced labor enacted in lieu of taxes, he also imposed taxes on both landowners and the nobility estate (Backman 596). This createdShow MoreRelatedWas the French Revolution Successful? Essay891 Words   |  4 PagesMany historians credit the Fre nch Revolution as being the beginning of modern politics. The revolution single-handedly crushed the monarchical way of politics, the aristocratic domination up to that point in France, and the dominance of the church in French politics. 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They also ledRead MoreThe American Revolution Set up Equality and Power for America621 Words   |  3 PagesChristopher Hitchens claims that â€Å"†¦ the American Revolution is the only revolution that still resonates†and this claim is valid because the American Revolution led to democratic ideals and governments being spread across the world, it set the precedent of equality in our country, and it set it up to be the world power it is today. America’s Revolution gave birth to real applications of Enlightenment ideals, and in doing so spurred movements of independence and democracy around the world duringRead MoreRevolutions Of The French Revolution1139 Words   |  5 PagesRevolutions are often characterized under two dominant schools of thought, either the structural or the cultural viewpoint. The structural approach favors causes that are of inherent forces in the system of sovereign nations, whilst the cultural view favors individuals actions and ideas as rudimentary to revolution. 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We are all familiar with the phrase â€Å"history repeats itself† over and over each in very different situations. The same can be said about the American and French Revolutions however these two revolutions end in very different situations. Both the American Revolution, (1775 -1783) and the French Revolution (1789 -1799) were the products of Enlightenment ideals that struck a large populationRead MoreThe Rise O f The Enlightenment1577 Words   |  7 Pageslife could be. The Enlightenment was a collection of ideas from various philosophers in Europe to question old views of society and use reason to create a better society. The enlightenment ideas focused on the people and their needs, prompting for governments to protect people’s basic rights to liberty, life, and equality. France, at the time, was suffering under the weak leadership of King Louis XVI, which created turmoil in all of France. In addition, there was bad blood between the three estatesRead MoreThe French Revolution By Edmund Burke Essay1538 Words   |  7 PagesOne of the most critical moments for human history, the French Revolution transpired amongst a slew of issues which caught France at a point of near destruction. Historians have debated for centuries whether the country has truly benefitted from this ten-year war within itself or the consequences of the bloody revolution, which includes the killing of thousand s of people, were actually necessary. The outcome of the French Revolution did not immediately bring about the destruction of the monarchyRead MoreThe Revolution Of The Haitian Revolution1385 Words   |  6 PagesMany times throughout history, we can see the effects of independent thought. There was the revolt of the slaves in Rome led by Spartacus, The Zanj Rebellion in the Middle East, and The Civil War in the United States. 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Data Analysis with Open Source Tools Free-Samples for Students

Question: Explains the role of Data Analysis tools and Data Mining in Contemporary Organisations. Answer: Introduction The current extensive innovations in the computer and technological fields depict the positive direction that the entire globe has embrace in making the world a better place. Different organizations located in divergent geographical locations across the worlds today use diverse technologies to elevate their operations irrespective of the financial milestones that they face. Palpably, it can easily be asserted that the computer technology has been effective since it came to picture. Through the use of the compute, workers and other users can simplify their day to day works. An in-depth evaluation further unveils that the majority of the populaces in the current epoch depend or rather value all the gadgets that can enable them access the internet. This concept is concreted through statistics that expose an increase in the purchase of such products. Just to mention, the analysis of data and data mining requires the intervention of experts who are able to assess the provided information to come up with legit conclusions under different circumstance. This essay divulges crucial concepts linked to the analysis of data in mega organizations in the contemporary era. Overview Data analysis is the progression of transmuting the data which is raw into usable and reliable information. The primary purpose of this process is to add value to the research results and to the statistical findings. It is essential to note that most of that data which is presented from any research work has certain errors which require to be measured before the correct assumptions are cherry picked. Additionally, the interpretation of raw data is significant because in some cases the researchers might get dissimilar sequences of data (Janert, 2010). This situation might force them to seek the assistance of the data analysis tools which are developing to be influential tools in the present times. As mentioned early, organizations are put on their toes to move along with the technical advancements that are common today. With this in mind, any scholar will admit that certain software and techniques that boost the endeavors of employees within organizations are imperative at all times. Organizations must trace the trending dogmas in the market ensure that their activities merge with the interests and expectations of the masses. Many clients tend to cling to factors or goods and services that have been approved by the majority. Consequently, business organizations must collect data from the fields to be able to make the correct decisions which can stir them towards their goals and objectives (Hoberman, 2012). On the other hand, the decisions which they select must protect the ethical pleas of both their customers and workers. This facet reveals how the data analysis tools can alter the fate of an organization on affirmative perspectives. The probability of fetching positive results through the use of that data analysis tools are very high as compared to the sole intervention of human experts. Data Analysis Tools The analysis of big data can be a hectic process in the management of any business. This is the core reason why software inventors are pushing for reformations that are beneficial to investors irrespective of the attached challenges (Hoberman, 2012). The following are some of the data analysis tools which are used by different organizational experts in diverse fields of study. KNIME business codes. Just to mention, the normal way of writing down the code blocks might take a longer time as compared to when the KNIME is used. The features of this tool are easy to use whereby; a person drags the connection peaks and points after dropping the nodes onto a specific canvas. As is not enough, this technology can be used to run chemistry data, python evaluation, and in text mining. Tableau Public Tableau Public is an effective tools of analysis data especially in business. It is important because it has the capability to communicate the vital insights through the visualization of data. This tool creates a larger platform for data visualization with its million row limit. Through it, researcher and business managers can come up with hypothesis that can be deployed in their day-to-day operations. NodeXL NodeXL is an analysis software meant for visualization purposes. The big friendship maps on social platforms can easily be calculated through the intervention of this software. It is capable of breaking down complicated data to expose their inner meaning. This tools is important when dealing with high numbers of emp0loyees within any organization in the current epoch (Hair Lukas, 2014). For example, it can categorize all the employees based on particular features as their age brackets, diversification information, and also their efficacy at work. OpenRefine This tools was formerly referred to as the googleRefine. The function of this tools to assess and clean the obtained data to prepare it for further analysis. In other words, this tool simplifies all the involved procedures by preparing and checking every important factor before the main process is conducted. Google Search Operators The search operators is a Google tools that enhance the functions of Google to the extreme peak. This tool is effective because it filters the results obtained from the search engine to ensure that only the relevant information is portrayed. Therefore, it is not only an important feature to the business entrepreneurs but also it assists many people in other fields of life and study. Slover This is a linear programming tools used in excel. Many managers value this data analysis tool because it sets and reveals the major constraints that can affect the progress of their business. For example, it can be used to set the expenditure limits by exposing other negative factors that might pop up if the proposed strategies are not uplifted. Nonetheless, the usage of solve require the skills of professionals who are capable of making the correct assumptions based on the given results. Ethical Implications The current competitive business environment propels organizations to consider their customers line with their pleas and other social dynamics. The collection of customer information is imperative due to various reasons. Firstly, an organizations can only conquer all the marketing odds if their goods and services are valued and preferred in the market (Dean et al. 2016). Thus, there is a higher chance of success if their customers are lured towards their operations. For instance, a deeper evaluation only unveils positive contributions of the process of analyzing customers information. This is due to the fact that the masses will feel valued if their contributions are hoisted. It is also ethical to maintain and support the beliefs and cultural views of customers over an extensive business period. Additionally, the storing of customers information uplifts the relationship of the organization with different people in their locations. Therefore, this boosts the probability of the organiz ation to attract more customers. Conclusion In summary, the collection of business data is a crucial process at all times. Evidently, the success of a business organization directly relies on the information that their employees and marketers extract from the fields and market places. Nonetheless, the data mining and data analysis process can only be made more effective through the deployment of different data analysis tools. These tools make the process to be more easy and swift regardless of the magnitude of the data on the table. With this in mind, business organizations ought to be mobilized to embrace the new technologies in their daily endeavors. References Dean, M. D., Payne, D. M., Landry, B. J. (2016). Data mining: an ethical baseline for online privacy policies. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 29(4), 482-504. Hair Jr, J. F., Lukas, B. (2014). Marketing research. Sydney: McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Hoberman, S. (2012). Data Modeler's Workbench: Tools and Techniques for Analysis and Design. New York, NY: John Wiley Sons. Janert, P. (2010). Data Analysis with Open Source Tools. Sebastopol: O'Reilly Media, Inc.